The Calm Before The Storm...

    You know when life's trucking along and you think to yourself "things are going too good, when is the bad coming"? Well the bad finally came. After months of fighting endless strep throats with Henley, we got an 8 week reprieve. That 8 weeks was some of the best we've had. Both girls felt good and acted great! Potty training finally "clicked" with Henley and she didn't have an accident nearly that whole time.

 We took the girls to the pumpkin patch last Saturday and Henley spent the night with my mom. She woke up at 5:30 that next morning and was pretty out of sorts all day. We attributed that to her waking up to early. Long story short, she woke up from her afternoon nap with a 102 degree fever. Both girls that afternoon had runny noses and were sneezing. The next 4 days were spent at home with both girls sick, Henley spiking 103 degree fevers, sneezing, coughing and very irritable. Everly had at most a 101 degree fever accompanied by the worst runny nose and sneezing.

Now I know mannnnny people have it worse than us and in hindsight, 2 kids sick with colds really isn't that bad. But in the midst of the storm, it felt very overwhelming. What got me "through" it with a relatively good attitude was 1. Praying for those who had it worse than me (i.e. The kids who have cancer, families who have children that will have disabilities which require ongoing treatment their whole lives, people who can't afford to take their kids to the dr, etc), 2. Coffee and 3. Realizing that colds don't last forever (even very bad ones like the girls had).

God never gives us more than we can handle and there's a lesson in everything. I struggle mightily with lack of patience, so God is constantly giving me opportunities to learn that. One of these days I just may get the hang of it, but until then I'm going to praise Jesus Henley is back in school and both girls are feeling much better!
